Monday, 8:00 pm
113 E Conway StHazlehurst, MS 39083
If this meeting has videoconference information, please enter the full valid URL here.
Currently supported providers: Bluejeans, Dialpad, Discord, Free Conference, FreeConferenceCall. Google Hangouts, GoTo, Jitsi, Skype, WebEx, Zoho, Zoom
If other details are required, such as a password, they can be included in the Notes field above, but a ‘one tap’ experience is ideal.
Passwords can be appended to phone numbers using this format +12125551212,,123456789#,,#,,444444#
For meetings I can attend in person:
A specific address is required
For online or hybrid meetings:
Fill in the "Online Meeting Details"
For online-only meetings:
Use an approximate address, example: Jackson, MS, USA. It may help to think of it as the meeting's origin. The Meeting Guide app uses this information to infer the meeting's time zone.