Need help with a drinking problem?

A.A. has a solution.  That isn’t an empty promise.  A.A. has been helping alcoholics recover for more than 80 years.  A.A.’s program of recovery is built on the simple foundation of one alcoholic sharing with another.  If your drinking is out of control, A.A. can help.

Alcoholics Anonymous of Mississippi

The primary purpose of our website is to help readers find information about the location, times, and addresses of meetings of Area 37 groups and districts so he or she can make direct, face-to-face contact with A.A.

Welcome to the official website of Service Area 37 of the General Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous. Area 37 covers the entire state of Mississippi and is one of 93 areas in the General Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous (United States/Canada). We are responsible directly to the groups we serve. Our membership consists of 191 A.A. groups from 103 Mississippi towns and cities.

The primary purpose of our website is to help readers find information about the location, times, and addresses of meetings of Area 37 groups and districts so he or she can make direct, face-to-face contact with A.A. This website will not be used to establish or encourage email exchanges, chat meetings or contacts that lead to similar online activities. All information is provided solely for the purpose of helping the alcoholic make direct, face-to-face contact with A.A.

A.A. has a simple program that works.
It’s based on one alcoholic helping another.

Opening Doors to a Life Without Drinking

Do you have a drinking problem? Alcoholics Anonymous can help you to find sobriety. Members talk about their experiences with alcoholand how A.A. helped them change their lives

Upcoming Meetings

Around Mississippi

Time Meeting Location Region
4:00 pm Little Yellow House Group
111 Industrial Circle, Ste. C
Ocean Springs
4:00 pm Grace Group
First Christian Church
4:00 pm Cleveland Group
REBOS Building
5:00 pm Vicksburg Group
Harbor Club Bld
5:00 pm Traditions Group

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